Capture Adventure Vol.13 – Cursed Desires [1-20 pics]

Hello, everyone!

It is good to be back and with another entry in the “Capture Adventure” series, hot and ready to be posted! This will be the 13th entry, what an unlucky number, but I think the audience will be lucky and our lady protagonists, not so much…

Ever since I started this venture of making contents, I have strived to make the visuals as good as I can. I have finally, as you can see, managed to develop a workflow that will consistently take this field to the next level.

Of course, there is always room for improvement, but I think this is a big leap forward from previous iterations of my vision. I hope you all like it!

For now, you can only download the current and subsequent parts here in the form of the compressed file attached below.

“Two lovely lady agents of a private security firm, who exclusively work with the wealthy elite, are tasked with the recovery of a man’s missing daughter. And the location they have been brought to surely does not inspire confidence in their safety for this mission.”

Download “Cursed Desires - 1-20 pics [4K]” – Downloaded 163 times – 74.95 MB

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